Category Archives: Misc

Sony MDR 7550


使用Sony xba30了一年多後,又再次身痕想買一新耳機。看到XBA H3降價有點動心,但經過幾次測試中低音的bleeding對我來說幾乎是不堪忍受。唯有重新再睇,想盡量搵3000港元下,有幾個選擇。Shure 425,Ultimate Ears的UE900s,Eymotic ER4,Westone UM2,Dunu DN2000,Sony MDR 7550/EX 1000

沒有選擇的Dunu因為響香港我搵唔到任何地方有得試,我不想盲中中買,ER4 有聽過,基本上係我杯茶,準確,平衡,清晰,雖然我覺得bass的確輕咗啲。重點係,我覺得兩千買隻單鐵耳機有少少過唔到自己(雖然我明白呢個世界唔係越多越好,等如相機像素同靚唔靚基本上無關係)。Ue900呢,試過但係品質控制好似麻麻,加上我朋友隻用咗一年啱啱死,令我有啲保留。Shure 同 Westone 就因為 Shure個牌子我普通,剩下  Sony同 Westone,兩者 Sony雖然xba h3我覺得好差,(z5好啲但係完全唔合理嘅價錢)但始終我xba30用得好開心所以最終揀咗mdr 7550

7550基本不屬於consumer product,係Sony Pro Audio嘅產品,同好多studio用嘅7506,7510一樣。但係響街某啲賣head-fi野嘅舖會有。


簡評7550,so far我咁多對耳機最整合我會話係7550,低音因為係圈,比xba30有力好多,唔算好tight,但係亦唔算好慢,基本上你可以話圈味,中音女聲無30咁出,3男聲就反而暖和啲。高音明顯比30無咁出;整體整合度好高,因為30無mechancial crossover,始終有小小一層層,我有個聽開speaker嘅朋友嘅形容就係分得好開,唔多realistic。空間感幾大,個人覺得同ue900差不多,動態感覺係唔錯。






近年來慢慢的和網絡世界越來越脫節,當越來越多人喜歡事無大小都在facebook,微博,what’s app group中廣播時,我就越來越遠離網絡







張懸 & Algae潮水箴言2013香港站
















01. 危險的,是
02. Live酒館300秒
03. Selling
04. My life will
05. 島嶼雲煙
06. The Rip (Portishead)
07. Stay-牡蠣之歌
08. 無狀態
09. 兩者

10. Teardrop (Massive Attack)
11. 我想你要走了
12. 瘋狂的陽光
13. 嫁禍進行式
14. 討人厭的字
15. Here’s to You, Nicola and Bart (Joan Baez)
16. 玫瑰色的你

17. 艷火
18. 喜歡
19. 日子
20. Transatlanticism (Death Cab For Cutie)
21. 關於我愛你
22. 藍天白雲

23. 城市
24. 無與倫比的美麗 (台下點歌 青峰驚喜上台)
25. Light You Up (Shawn Mullins)

*引自coolman music forum 嘅hehehaha,我覺得好多人好勁,點可以又聽concert又記得晒尐歌,點得㗎?錄低返屋企整理?

ps. 其實重有一首encore歌,不過當時有一半人都走咗(因為都出字幕幾分鐘後燈都著晒)

26. 沒有煙抽的日子









只記得早幾星期看到莫文蔚出咗隻碟翻唱英文歌,又係所謂爵士風,早幾年當張學友出嚟private corner,又或胡琳出jazz them up,唔見有咩人跟,而家開始有聽眾喇,突然個個都自細喜歡爵士樂,台灣昊恩家家幾年前唱jazz加blues,亦無人跟,而家就有蕭敬騰同林宥嘉都突然熱愛爵士




Mercy Mercy Me, 一首Marvin Gaye嘅經典,由另一個英年早逝嘅,covered by the ever so talented Robert Palmer(呢個係我搵到少數嘅現場版本加一段訪問)

至於莫小姐首wicked game好多人講,佢身材引人我明白亦同意,但係呢首歌無人可以比得起原唱,not even close


Wicked Game – Chris Issak ,重有super model Helena Christensen


Fever 男性版,無邊個夠貓王勁(係,當時少女同而家追Super Junior無咩區別,都係咁鍾意叫)



Harlem Shake


又一次證明潮流係唔知點解嘅,繼Gangnam Style後,而家最勁嘅潮流係呢個

Harlem Shake, 不過又真係幾好笑嘅

上面個video係挪威軍方,難得佢地有幽默感(上次gangnam style唔記得有邊個軍隊因為玩左俾人非議)


抗癌陽光少女小琳永別 – 明報 12/2/2013



【明報專訊】煙花雖短暫,光與熱卻永留人間。曾多次與死神擦身而過的28歲陽光美少女鄧小琳,堅強抗癌9年,於3日前的大除夕離世。小琳於2004年發現 患卵巢腫瘤後,癌細胞擴散至肺部,惟她一直積極面對人生,雖抱病在身,仍堅持外遊感受大世界、到愛護動物機構做義工,並撰寫網誌及出書鼓勵他人,去年她更 支持反國教科運動,其網誌瀏覽人次近300萬。小琳遺願是希望成立慈善基金保護環境及小動物,將生命的光與熱延續下去。



小琳自中五畢業已擔任模特兒,曾拍過不少廣告。04年小琳突然腹痛入院,檢查時發現卵巢有腫瘤,癌細胞其後擴散至肺部。治療過程雖苦,頭髮又因化療 脫落,但小琳未有退縮,更於06年開始撰寫網誌,分享抗癌的心路歷程,並出版自傳《喂!我仲未死鮁!小琳的戰癌處世道》,訴說:「和你們繼續生活下去,就 是我的生存目標!」

雖然患病,但只要健康尚可,小琳便會到不同機構分享個人經歷,亦多次接受傳媒訪問,提醒大家「活在當下」。她同時身體力行,出遊看世界,患病期間便 曾遊歷新西蘭、埃及及日本等地。照片中的少女一臉陽光,笑得燦爛,就算因服藥而口腔潰瘍,只能吃少量薯蓉,她仍堅強表示:「無論多苦,也要努力找回笑容, 正如我這人生一樣。」

活在當下 抱病遊歷世界





UPDATE on Aaron Swartz suicide situation


If you come across this blog entry by accident, read my last post for details.

If you are American and support getting rid of the asshole who bullied Aaron Swartz to his death, sign on both the sack Ortiz petition as well as this one for Heyman. Heyman apparently already drove one young hacker to kill himself back in 2008, make sure he is not going to harm another before it is too late.


Link for getting rid of Heymann

Link for getting rid of Ortiz

Ortiz case already has enough signature but do sign to voice your concern

Info on Heymann 2008 procescution

Remember Aaron Swartz


Remember Aaron Swartz by working against government abuses

The internet activist was an advocate for open society who faced an abusive prosecution from the government. He will be missed

The internet activist Aaron Swartz

We can honor Aaron’s life in the best way by doing what he did at his amazing best. We can work to expand an open society. Photograph: Michael Francis Mcelroy/AP

As we mourn Aaron Swartz, let’s save energy for some anger – and activism.

Aaron, whose work was entirely about making our world a better place, died by his own hand. He was 26, and he had a history of depression. But the demons that carried him over the edge surely got a boost from the United States government, which was prosecuting Aaron in a manner that demonstrated contempt for the facts, fairness, and the justice system itself.

The case against Aaron, an object lesson of what happens when authority is cynically abused by the people in power, threatened more than Aaron’s liberty and his great work. It threatened us all.

So amid my grief for Aaron, I’m angry – and committed to working for honorable enforcement of rational laws, and for values Aaron exemplified in his short life.


Aaron had made his presence known early. Among Philip Greenspun’s recollections in this piece is how a 12-year-old kid from Chicago found it easy to do what some professional computer people found hard.

I didn’t meet Aaron until 2002, at a World Wide Web conference in Hawaii, though I’d heard of him and his work. It was clear that he was in awe of the famous (in the Internet community, anyway) people, but it was equally obvious that they’d also heard about this prodigy and couldn’t wait to meet him. Even then Aaron had a remarkable clarity about his mission in life: to find and do stuff that a) was interesting; b) was fun; and, not least, c) would help everyone have more access to information we needed and could re-use in all kinds of ways.

In a column soon after, I rued the demise of Napster, the music-sharing service, but remained hopeful bordering on confident that the Internet would thwart the growing attacks on openness and sharing. A promising harbinger was the then-emerging Creative Commons, founded by Larry Lessig. I noted that Aaron was working on the project and called him “an object lesson to the dinosaurs who run Hollywood and think they can control the uncontrollable," adding, “The young people of this world will ultimately decide how this turns out." Aaron was 15 at the time.

Aaron, in a beyond-productive decade, put a lot of interesting things on his agenda. The list of his activities — always pushing boundaries — is stunning. As Peter Eckersley wrote on the Electronic Frontier Foundation blog, Aaron was always working for an open ecosystem:

His contributions were numerous, and some of them were indispensable. When we asked him in late 2010 for help in stopping COICA, the predecessor to the SOPA and PIPA Internet blacklist bills, he founded an organization called Demand Progress, which mobilized over a million online activists and proved to be an invaluable ally in winning that campaign.

Other projects Aaron worked on included the RSS specifications,, tor2web, the Open Library, and the Chrome port of HTTPS Everywhere. Aaron helped launch the Creative Commons. He was a former co-founder at Reddit, and a member of the team that made the site successful. His blog was often a delight.

As his projects bubbled along, and as his fame in the tech community grew, I wondered whether it would all go to his head – or worse, that he’d decide that getting fabulously rich was a more important mission in life. Once, comparing notes with a friend, we both fervently hoped that Aaron would never choose to be the next Bill Gates, at least in the predatory sense, because the world needed geniuses on the open-source and community side of the ledger. (Aaron laughed when I later mentioned this.) He stayed on track; when he did make a bundle on the sale of Reddit, which he helped build, he just kept on doing those interesting things.

While Aaron seemed fundamentally shy in person, he did have an ego and a self-promotional sense that often (not always) served him well. He sometimes turned sour on his friends and mentors, sometimes in public ways. But they almost always forgave him. Because at heart, said Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle, Aaron was “among the best spirits of the Internet generation."


The sadness today in my virtual community is nearly unbounded. My friends and their friends, like me, have been simply crushed by the news. You can get a sense of it from Matthew Ingram’s compilation of links and context at GigaOm. My computer screen has blurred frequently through tears as I’ve read the heartbroken posts by, among so many others, Quinn Norton and Cory Doctorow.


An inchoate anger always mixes with sadness when someone dies so young. But today I’m seething at Aaron’s prosecution by a federal government that has rewarded torturers and banksters while in this case twisting the law to turn what amounts to minor trespassing into a “crime" worthy of decades in jail. You can read about it here. Then read what an expert witness was going to say at the trial — testimony that surely would have led even the most gung-ho-for-government jury to spend maybe 10 minutes in deliberations before acquitting Aaron.

Maybe this legal travesty was the Obama administration’s cynical campaign to put away someone it considered annoying. Maybe it was a case of a rogue prosecutor gone utterly berserk. I’m guessing it’s a combination of ugly motives. But it’s infuriating and deeply scary to anyone who cares about a system of justice where the word “justice" means anything.

Like so many others, Larry Lessig, Aaron’s longtime friend and mentor, is mourning today. He’s also publicly and correctly furious at the prosecutors’ foul behavior, and at the government’s utter lack of common sense or decency. As Larry wrote:

I get wrong. But I also get proportionality. And if you don’t get both, you don’t deserve to have the power of the United States government behind you.

For remember, we live in a world where the architects of the financial crisis regularly dine at the White House — and where even those brought to “justice" never even have to admit any wrongdoing, let alone be labeled “felons."

In that world, the question this government needs to answer is why it was so necessary that Aaron Swartz be labeled a “felon." For in the 18 months of negotiations, that was what he was not willing to accept, and so that was the reason he was facing a million dollar trial in April — his wealth bled dry, yet unable to appeal openly to us for the financial help he needed to fund his defense, at least without risking the ire of a district court judge. And so as wrong and misguided and fucking sad as this is, I get how the prospect of this fight, defenseless, made it make sense to this brilliant but troubled boy to end it.

Fifty years in jail, charges our government. Somehow, we need to get beyond the “I’m right so I’m right to nuke you" ethics that dominates our time. That begins with one word: Shame.

One word, and endless tears.


Shame on all of us, and shame on me, at least in this way: When Aaron was indicted, I didn’t do nearly enough to help. Some, like Larry Lessig, tried hard. Most of us, if we did anything, tweeted our outrage, sent emails of moral support, and went on with our lives, assuming that the justice system couldn’t be this insane.

It’s too late for Aaron, but not for the rest of us.

We can honor Aaron’s life in the best way by doing what he did at his amazing best. We can work to expand an open Net and society, and to make “liberty" a word that means something again. Among many other things:

• If I lived in Massachusetts, where the U.S. Attorney with overall jurisdiction over Aaron’s case may run for governor, I’d start working tomorrow to ensure that she couldn’t get elected dogcatcher. I’d also raise money to pay the best and bravest lawyer I could find, to ask the Massachusetts Bar Association to investigate how she and the assistant U.S. attorney in direct charge of the case had acted, and whether they deserved to keep their licenses to practice law.

• No matter where I lived, I would ask my member of the US House and my US senators how they can allow the computer crime laws they passed to criminalize a violation of a terms of service – an interpretation that could put any one of us in jail under the Justice Department’s misuse of the law. If the people representing me didn’t respond or expressed support for the administration’s you’re-all-potential-prisoners stance, I’d look for better representatives.

• If I wrote software code for, say, Facebook or any other big company, or was a young coder considering a startup, I’d ask myself whether my work was worthy of Aaron’s memory – and if not, what I would do about that.

• And I’d find and support organizations, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, that are carrying on the work Aaron championed, and did, to bring our culture and laws into the 21st Century in ways that value creativity, openness and collaboration.

Get angry. Then get busy.


More than a decade ago Aaron wrote a blog post about what his “virtual executor" should do “If I get hit by a truck…" – instructions that included a wish for the contents of his hard drives to be made public for posterity. He concluded:

Oh, and BTW, I’ll miss you all.

• This tribute originally appeared on Dan Gilmor’s website, He has kindly given permission to the Guardian to reproduce the piece.


by Mark

If you are American please click the link below to sign petition to have Ortiz, the bully District Attorney removed from office